Comments on: The Leanest Way To Organize Your Product Backlog Product Management Software Fri, 06 Jan 2023 13:08:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janna Bastow Thu, 27 Aug 2015 09:13:19 +0000 In reply to Ramon.

Hi Ramon, I think you’re absolute right. Product Managers have to prioritize quite ruthlessly and then focus on fleshing out the right ideas into final product specs so that they can keep the development queue stacked with work that’ll actually improve the product.

I like your way of grouping them into themes first, and tackling from there. That can be done using our roadmap format, where each ‘card’ on the roadmap is a theme. Those themes should be linked to your KPIs or overall success criteria for your product. Doing so helps ensure you’re focusing on the right ideas rather than getting lost in your product backlog.

Thanks for your insight!

By: Ramon Thu, 27 Aug 2015 00:32:15 +0000 Number 4 is a great one that is often missed and done later as the time to start development approaches not leaving enough time to do a proper analysis of the item.

It is very common to have a very long backlog of features that is nearly impossible to prioritize effectively by comparing the relative importance of one feature or improvement against every other one. I recommend
1. grouping items by themes,
2. prioritizing the issues within each theme,
3. prioritizing the themes and selecting the most important features in that slice of the backlog to do first

As a bonus you get the team to focus on related functionality in each sprint instead of looking at many different disconnected features. This usually saves time and leads to better design and overall UX.
