Comments on: Try Not To Be A Slave To Feature Requests Product Management Software Tue, 17 Jan 2023 17:18:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janna Bastow Mon, 25 Jan 2016 14:14:26 +0000 In reply to Shailesh Parekh.

Hey Shailesh, thanks for chipping in!

It’s not a case of ignoring feedback, per se. It’s about maintaining a balanced view of what can and should be built, with feedback being just one important facet of that. Anyone who gives any feedback at all is a valued customer (we love hearing about what works and what doesn’t!) and I believe that all feedback should be gathered and sorted so it’s easy to make sense of it and to refer back to it when needed. Oftentimes, feedback is blindingly obvious, and we hear it from a bunch of people at once: This is the stuff that we make sure we fix up as soon as possible! Other times, feedback is based on the workflow of just one customer, and so isn’t as relevant to others. Sometimes we’ll get feedback for something that’s just too tricky, or that goes against what others have asked for, or that we’re not sure how we’d solve it. In those cases, I like to have an honest conversation with the customer about what they’re looking to acheive and how they’d see it done. We’re lucky that our customers are all product people themselves, and so are good at seeing different sides to the problem and working through potential solutions.

By: Shailesh Parekh Wed, 20 Jan 2016 16:01:01 +0000 I have seen many a times, people ignore certain feedback on the ground that its just one single customer.. and they may miss a biggest market opportunity. Feedback from customers are really valuable, if we know how to dissect the core customer needs from the feedback.
